Nootropics, a classification of herbs and substances that support brain and cognitive function, have become a hot trend among influencers, celebrities, and high performers.

But they’re nothing new.

Nootropic herbs have been used for centuries in Ayurveda and other traditional wellness practices to nourish the brain and nervous system and support physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

One of the most cherished and versatile nootropics (and adaptogens) is Bacopa.

In this article, we’ll discuss eight Bacopa benefits for brain health, including focus, memory, awareness, nervous system function, and more.

Table of Contents

What Is Bacopa Monnieri?

Bacopa monnieri, also known as Brahmi*, Water Hyssop, and Herpestis monniera, is a creeping perennial vine with small leaves and purple flowers. Native to Australia and India, it is found in warm wetland and marshy areas. 

It grows throughout East Asia, tropical or sub-tropical regions of the United States and South America, as well as Madagascar, the Caribbean, and Hawaii.

Its name in Sanskrit, jalabrahmi, translates to “water brahmi,” which speaks to its affinity for growing in wet and boggy areas.

As mentioned previously, Bacopa has been used in Ayurveda for centuries as a brain and nervous system tonic and a rasayana, a rejuvenating herb. 

Other traditional uses include supporting:

  • Awareness
  • Building blood
  • Cardiovascular function
  • Digestion
  • Inflammatory response
  • Joint mobility
  • Healthy aging
  • Healthy skin, hair, and nails
  • Meditation practices
  • Energetic well-being
  • Respiratory function
  • Cognitive function
  • Sleep
  • Speech
  • Spleen function
  • Stress response
  • Sugar metabolism

Bacopa is considered tridoshic in Vedic philosophy, meaning it can benefit and balance all three Doshas (Kapha, Pitta, Vata), though it can be especially beneficial for Pittas who tend to run hot.

It is cooling in nature and bitter-sweet in taste.

Due to its multifaceted properties, Bacopa is considered a nootropic, a nervine (supports the nervous system), an adaptogen (supports stress resiliency), and a medhya (supports memory) in Ayurveda and traditional herbalism.

However, Bacopa’s legendary reputation as a brain tonic has made it the subject of various research studies.

Next, we’ll share what science has discovered about how Bacopa works, along with eight bacopa benefits for brain function, nervous system health, and more.

Bacopa benefits for brain organic plant growing on a regenerative farm.

What Does Bacopa Do For The Brain?

From an Ayurvedic perspective, Bacopa helps enhance the quality of Sadhaka Pitta, a sub-type of Pitta dosha known to govern the mind and heart.

In Ayurveda, the mind and heart are considered interconnected. Hence, Bacopa’s use for not only brain support but also cardiovascular function, awareness, meditation, motivation, and other matters of the heart and spiritual realms.

From a modern research perspective, analytical studies suggest Bacopa contains various active plant compounds, such as saponins known as bacosides and antioxidants. 

These provide antioxidant protection to the brain and promote normal cerebral blood flow, synaptic function, nerve transmission, kinase activity, and normal regulation of various neurotransmitters, including dopamine and 5-HT.

Although the research surrounding Bacopa’s mechanism and benefits is still emerging, various studies are beginning to confirm what Vedics have known for centuries: Bacopa is one of nature’s most powerful brain foods.

Bacopa with Gotu Kola in this organic memory supplement on an ornate platter on wood table with mala bead necklance.
Bacopa formulated with Gotu Kola is this powerful, organic Memory supplement. Buy Here.

8 Bacopa Benefits for Brain Health

Now that you understand what Bacopa is and how it works, we’ll explore eight specific benefits for brain health.

1: Focus

Many people turn to nootropics, like Bacopa, to help support better attention and focus in adults, kids, and teens,

Several studies have shown Bacopa can help promote healthy focus, concentration, learning, and attention.

According to a 2016 review published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Bacopa may also help support memory and attention in children and adolescents.

Herbs are generally very safe for teens or children over the age of 2, but always consult an Ayurvedic doctor or practitioner or other healthcare practitioner skilled in herbalism for appropriate dosing instructions.

2: Productivity

As mentioned earlier, in Ayurvedic philosophy, Bacopa is believed to enhance Sadhaka Pitta quality. 

This relates to the mind-heart connection and a person’s ability to take action and achieve their goals and objectives.

For this reason, Bacopa is often recommended traditionally as a natural productivity enhancer. 

Its aforementioned researched benefits for focus, concentration, and attention demonstrate its potential efficacy in this regard.

This traditional use is part of the reason Organic India includes Bacopa in Tulsi Breakfast Tea, which helps you start your day feeling productive and alert, minus the caffeine jitters!

3: Nervous System Support

The nervous system is directly connected to the brain, the gut, and various other organs and systems, such as the endocrine (hormonal) system, which controls our stress response and resiliency.

As a nervine and adaptogen, Bacopa provides multifaceted support for the nervous system.

It is one of Ayurveda’s staples for calming nervous energy, which can be typical for Pittas, promoting healthy sleep and creating a state of calm alertness.

How does this work, exactly?

As you learned earlier, research has shown Bacopa positively impacts neurotransmitter function. 

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that shuttle information from the brain via the nervous system to various parts of the body. They also play a critical role in how we experience, express, and process emotions.

Dopamine, for example, is a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of pleasure and satiety.

Additionally, as an adaptogen, Bacopa helps support our stress response and resiliency via its beneficial effects on the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) Axis, which controls the output of stress hormones, reproductive hormones, and more. 

Since the HPA Axis directly impacts our nervous system, adaptogens can provide many potential benefits for both systems, which also benefit the brain.

Although more research is needed, it appears Bacopa benefits for brain health and reputation as a nervine is well-earned.

4: Memory

As you may have noticed, memory lapses are no longer just an “old person” issue. They’ve become common among younger folks, too.

There are many possible reasons for this, including chronic stress, nutrient deficiencies, excess screen time affecting memory and learning, attention problems, lack of sleep, and more.

However, research suggests that Bacopa may help support several aspects of memory, including learning and short-term and long-term memory, regardless of age.

Although more research is needed, researchers believe Bacopa’s neuroprotective and neurodegenerative effects and its impacts on neurotransmitter function play a role. 

Organic India’s Memory supplement combines the documented benefits of Organic Bacopa with Organic Gotu Kola for the ultimate memory rejuvenator.

5. Awareness

Cultivating greater awareness of self, others, and the physical and spiritual world around us is central to Ayurvedic philosophy.

Therefore, herbal protocols are often tailored to support individuals in gaining enhanced awareness, discovering greater health, and realizing and fulfilling their destinies.

Talk about a holistic approach to health!

Bacopa is one such herb believed to enhance awareness. It is often used to support meditation practices and help people through difficult or transformational times.

Similar herbs include Holy Basil (Tulsi, aka: liquid yoga), Rose, and Gotu Kola.

6. Stress Relief

Few things take a toll on brain health more than chronic stress.

Research has shown stress can lead to memory impairment, mental/emotional issues, lack of sleep, cognitive decline, trouble focusing, and a host of other ailments.

Bacopa’s nootropic/neuroprotective, nervine, and adptogenic properties make it an ideal herb to lean on for stress relief.

Not only can it provide quick relief for acute stressors, like receiving bad news or working on a deadline, but it can also help build resiliency for life’s marathon stressors, such as grief, chronic illness, or intense caregiving responsibilities, like having a baby or caring for a sick family member.

Bacopa has also been shown to be effective in supporting mental and emotional well-being, which we’ll discuss more in subsequent sections.

7: Mood Balance

Several studies have shown Bacopa may positively impact mood balance and mental/emotional well-being.

Its effects are multifaceted. 

  • For starters, we know Bacopa helps modulate neurotransmitter function, which is directly associated with mood and emotions.
  • Bacopa has also been shown to promote healthy sleep, which is essential for mental/emotional health.
  • In Ayurveda, Bacopa balances Pitta dosha, which can cause jittery energy and nervousness when imbalanced.
  • As an adaptogen, Bacopa helps mediate the impacts of stress and supports hormonal function.
  • Ayurvedic philosophy views Bacopa as a rejuvenator for body and mind and a helpful herb for sparking inspiration, productivity, and achievement.
  • As a nervine, Bacopa nourishes the nervous system, which helps create a smooth and calm emotional experience.

This is why Bacopa is a leading ingredient in Organic India’s Joy herbal supplement, along with Ashwagandha, Gotu Kola, and Shankhpushpi. 

8: Cardiovascular Health

Bacopa has long been used as a cardiovascular tonic in Ayurveda. As mentioned previously, it is also used to nurture the connection between the heart and mind.

Although more studies are needed, emerging research suggests Bacopa may support normal blood pressure through its possible effects on vascular function via nitric oxide production.

Bacopa may also positively impact cardiovascular function via its stress-reducing properties.

Bacopa with Gotu Kola, Shankhpushpi and Ashwagandha in this organic joy supplement on an ornate platter on wood table with mala bead necklance.
Bacopa with Ashwagandha, Shankhpushpi and Gotu Kola in this JOY! Herbal mood supplement. Buy Here.

Does Bacopa Work Right Away?

As with all herbs, it depends on the individual and what benefits they are seeking, as well as how the Bacopa is delivered (concentration, delivery system, other herbs, etc.).

However, many people report quick or immediate feelings of calmness and relaxation after taking Bacopa.

Bacopa generally takes a little longer to yield results for mood balance, but again, some people report fast results.

How To Start Reaping Bacopa’s Benefits For Brain Health, Mood Balance, Stress, & More

Bacopa is generally taken as a supplement or tea. Its bittersweet flavor is complemented by other sweet or astringent herbs such as Tulsi and Black Tea.

Organic India has several Bacopa-containing supplements and teas featuring organic, regeneratively grown Bacopa and other herbs, including:

  • Joy: An herbal mood supplement with stress-reducing Ashwagandha, uplifting Bacopa, energizing Shankhpushpi, and brain-nourishing Gotu Kola.
  • Memory: A brain-nourishing blend of Bacopa with Organic Gotu Kola to support memory and other cognitive processes.
  • Tulsi Breakfast Tea: An invigorating blend of Assam Black Tea and grounding Tulsi, now with Bacopa for focus and mental clarity. Only 23 mg of caffeine per serving.
Two ceramic mugs of Tulsi Breakfast tea on copper plate atop wood serving tray, with bacopa for brain health.
Bacopa is now in our Tulsi Breakfast Tea to boost daily productivity! Buy Here.

For more fascinating insights on other brain-nourishing herbs and recipes, check out the following articles: